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Information of First State Bank in Nebraska

Information about First State Bank in Nebraska, routing numbers, branches, addresses, phone numbers, Websites, Zip Code and more. Cities in Nebraska where First State Bank is present. First State Bank's hours depend on the branch in Nebraska's State.

Information from First State Bank in Nebraska
Routing Numbers10
Nebraska Banks List

NE Banks First State Bank in Nebraska

First State Bank in Randolph

Branches of First State Bank in Randolph (Nebraska)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
P O Box 725, Randolph, NE68771-0725(402) 337-0323

First State Bank in Farnam

Branches of First State Bank in Farnam (Nebraska)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
P O Box 96, Farnam, NE69029-0096(308) 569-2311

First State Bank in Gothenburg

Branches of First State Bank in Gothenburg (Nebraska)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
P. O. Box 79, Gothenburg, NE69138-0079(308) 537-3684
P.O. Box 79, Gothenburg, NE69138-0079(308) 537-3684

First State Bank in Scottsbluff

Branches of First State Bank in Scottsbluff (Nebraska)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
2002 Broadway, Scottsbluff, NE69363(308) 632-4158

First State Bank in Fremont

Branches of First State Bank in Fremont (Nebraska)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
Po Box 549, Fremont, NE68026-0549(402) 721-2500

First State Bank in Loomis

Branches of First State Bank in Loomis (Nebraska)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
211 Commercial St, Loomis, NE68958(308) 876-2451

First State Bank in Hordville

Branches of First State Bank in Hordville (Nebraska)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
201 Main Street, Hordville, NE68846-0065(402) 757-3231

First State Bank has a total of 8 branches and 10 associated routing numbers in Randolph, Farnam, Gothenburg, Scottsbluff, Fremont, Loomis and Hordville.