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Information of First State Bank in Oklahoma

Information about First State Bank in Oklahoma, routing numbers, branches, addresses, phone numbers, Websites, Zip Code and more. Cities in Oklahoma where First State Bank is present. First State Bank's hours depend on the branch in Oklahoma's State.

Information from First State Bank in Oklahoma
Routing Numbers10
Oklahoma Banks List

OK Banks First State Bank in Oklahoma

First State Bank in Oklahoma City

Branches of First State Bank in Oklahoma City (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
Suite 130, Oklahoma City, OK73112(405) 778-6500

First State Bank in Watonga

Branches of First State Bank in Watonga (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
Box 540, Watonga, OK73772-0540(580) 623-4945

First State Bank in Anadarko

Branches of First State Bank in Anadarko (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
102 W Main, Anadarko, OK73005(405) 247-2471

First State Bank in Noble

Branches of First State Bank in Noble (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
102 N. Main, Noble, OK73068-0599(405) 872-3434

First State Bank in Tahlequah

Branches of First State Bank in Tahlequah (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
1111 S Muskogee Ave, Tahlequah, OK74464(918) 456-6108

First State Bank in Waynoka

Branches of First State Bank in Waynoka (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
P O Box 158, Waynoka, OK73860-0158(580) 824-5451

First State Bank in Pondcreek

Branches of First State Bank in Pondcreek (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
P.O. Box 58, Pondcreek, OK73766(580) 532-6611

First State Bank in Elmore City

Branches of First State Bank in Elmore City (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
206 South Main, Elmore City, OK73433-0127(580) 788-2213

First State Bank in Boise City

Branches of First State Bank in Boise City (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
P.O. Box 1179, Boise City, OK73033-1179(580) 544-2591

First State Bank in Commerce

Branches of First State Bank in Commerce (Oklahoma)
AddressZip CodePhone numberRouting numbers
P.O. Box 280, Commerce, OK74339(918) 675-4904

First State Bank has a total of 10 branches and 10 associated routing numbers in Oklahoma City, Watonga, Anadarko, Noble, Tahlequah, Waynoka, Pondcreek, Elmore City, Boise City and Commerce.